Foshan Meilan Metal Products Co., Ltd.
主营产品: 理发椅、按摩床、洗发水椅、修脚椅、镜子站


Why Choose Us

You will find that we are the only supplier that can offer you a guarantee of quality and credibility.Sourcing from China is risky, and we know you are concerned that you may not get what you want.

1、Payment terms - to ensure that you receive the products you want.

【10% bofore productlon, 87% before shipment, and we wll leave 3% by you】You'll pay the remaining 3% when you receive the goods.

2. Dellvery Time we deeply know tha! your time l valuable!

【if we are 1 week dolayed- rolund you 1%】

【If we are 2 week delayed- rofund you 2%】

【if we are 3 week delayed- rofund you 3%】

【if we are 4 week delayed- rolund you 4%】

3. Alibabe Trade Assuranceyour Money is Gueranteed!!!

【 Trading through Trade Assurance Order on Alibaba.com would be the safest option】 CTrading through Trade Assurance Orders on the Alibaba website is the safest option.

The customer pays for the goods to the Alibaba platform first. If the goods are not received, the customer can apply for arefund through Alibaba like Amazon.